The city of João Alfredo, located in the Agreste region of Pernambuco, also known in religious circles as Blessed and Priestly Land – a title received for generating many religious men, women and priests for the Catholic Church – this Saturday (01/02) ordained three more priests for the Passionist Congregation.

The following deacons received the second degree of orders: Francisco Maria de Oliveira, cp with the motto: “Here I am” (Is 6:8); José Eduardo Laureano, cp, with the motto: “God has never left work without reward, nor tears without consolation” (Father Cícero) and Valter Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, cp with the motto: “You did not choose me, but I chose you” (Jn 15:16).

The celebration of Holy Mass was held in the Mother Church of Our Lady of Conception Parish, presided over by His Most Reverend Excellency Dom Francisco de Assis Dantas de Lucena – Bishop of the Diocese of Nazaré – concelebrated by Fr. Leudes Aparecido de Paula, cp – Provincial Superior of the Passionists; by Fr. Severino Fernandes de Moura – Parish Priest and other deacons and priests of the local and religious clergy, in the presence of God’s holy people.

Let us pray for the new priests and for the ministry they assume before the Church of God.

Luiz Carlos Rodrigues, cp
Gethsemane Province