From 26 March to 4 April the delegates of the MAPRAES Province (Italy, France, Portugal and several foreign missions) met for their Second Provincial Chapter at the General House of Sts. John and Paul, Rome. On April 2, 2019, Fr. Luigi Vaninetti was reconfirmed as Provincial Superior for a second four-year period, and on 3 April six consultors were elected: Fr. Giuseppe Adobati (First Consultor), together with Fr. Paulo Jorge Martins Correia, Fr. Mario Madonna, Fr. Roberto Cecconi, Fr. Matteo Piccioni and Fr. Rosario Fontana.
On 4 April the Chapter concluded with the approval of the program for the next four years. With the suppression of geographical regions and regional superiors, the province will have one program and plan with specific objectives, such as formation and studies, the apostolate and the supervision of various areas, which will be later defined in the reorganization of the Province.
(Foto L-R: Fr. Rosario Fontana, Fr. Paulo Jorge Martins Correia, Fr. Giuseppe Adobati (First Consultor), Fr. Luigi Vaninetti (Provincial), Fr. Roberto Cecconi, Fr. Mario Madonna and Fr. Matteo Piccioni.)