As leaders of the Passionist Congregation, Christ’s passion and death are not simply historical events. They becomeever-present realities for those who are “crucified” today by injustice, aggression, and a lack of respect for human life. The vast majority of migrants are here simply to flee poverty and oppression, to find safety for themselves and their families, to work, and to survive. These same migrants now are experiencing families torn apart, cancellations of legitimate asylum cases, no pathways to citizenship, constant fear of deportation, and at greater risk of becoming victims of human trafficking. The ‘American Dream’ has now become a cruel nightmare. As Catholics, we are called to be in solidarity with Pope Francis and our bishops in their challenge to accompany these brothers and sisters on their journey seeking security and survival. St. Paul of the Cross, founder of the Passionists, assured us that ‘love is ingenious’. Despite the complexities and challenges of this moment, we must respond with a creative love that finds a way to welcome the victims of global crisis. We, as leaders of the Passionist Congregation, representing our various leadership teams and tens of thousands of people of goodwill, call upon all members of the Passionist Family, including vowed members, parishioners and retreatants, board members, benefactors, school students and parents, teachers and administrators, team and staff members, and volunteers, to stand with us and our brothers and sisters, and collectively raise our voices to our elected leaders. There are many ways to respond: |
If you like, you can use this sample letter:
I write to you [name of elected representative] as a member of the Catholic Church, and as part of a community served by the Passionist Congregation, a group of Catholic priests, brothers, sisters and laypersons deeply committed to keeping alive the memory of the Passion of Jesus Christ. In this spirit, we are compelled to respond to the new United States administration’s executive orders on immigration. While we affirm the importance of secure borders and condemn the violence committed by any member of our society, we call for policies that reflect the mercy, compassion, and justice of Christ, welcoming the stranger and upholding the inherent dignity of every human person.
The vast majority of migrants are here simply to flee poverty and oppression, to find safety for themselves and their families, to work, and to survive. These same migrants now are experiencing families torn apart, cancellations of legitimate asylum cases, no pathways to citizenship, constant fear of deportation, and at greater risk of becoming victims of human trafficking. For them, the ‘American Dream’ has now become a cruel nightmare.
As Catholics, we are called to be in solidarity with Pope Francis and our bishops in their challenge to accompany these brothers and sisters on their journey, seeking security and survival. As members of Catholic communities served by the Passionist Congregation, we call on you as an elected representative to speak out against immigration practices that do not give migrants, refugees and asylum seekers due process and even more importantly, the dignity of being treated with fairness and justice. People who were following due process and awaiting appointments or hearings have found themselves completely erased from the immigration system. This was their only hope of completing the legal process of immigration. We call on you to meet and hear some of the migrants’ stories, to exercise mercy and compassion toward so many people who are trying to find safety and freedom from oppression.
May we stand together in solidarity with these sisters and brothers in the human family.
May the memory of Christ’s Passion compel us to stand in solidarity with the crucified of today.
Sincerely in the Passion of Christ,
Fr. David Colhour, CP – Provincial Superior Holy Cross Province
Fr. Jim O’Shea, CP – Provincial Superior St. Paul of the Cross Province
Fr. Angél Perez, CP – Provincial Superior Christ the King Province
Sr. Maria Virginia Alfano, CFP – Provincial Superior Daughters of the Passion
of Jesus Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows