St. Gabriel of our
Lafy of Sorrow
Saint Gabriel was born at Assisi in the Umbria region of Italy in 1838.

While very young, he attended school at Spoleto and seemed to be strongly attracted to secular life. However, under the call of God’s grace, he entered the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ where he lived so crucified to the world and so intimately united to God that he became a model of all the virtues, especially humility and obedience.
Moreover, he had a very great devotion to the Sorrowful Virgin who was, as it were, the whole reason for his holiness. He died at Isola of Gran Sasso in Abruzzo on February 27, 1862. Near his tomb, there arose a large shrine, a place of faith pilgrimages and a center of religious influence. In 1926, Saint Gabriel was declared joint patron of the Catholic Youth of Italy and in 1959 principal patron of the Abruzzo region of Italy. Prayer Saints page
Lord, you gave Saint Gabriel of our Lady of Sorrows a special love for your Mother and a compassion for her sorrows. Through her, you raised him to the heights of holiness. Give us great devotion to her sorrows, that we may know her as our loving Mother. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.