The new Mission of the Passionists in Myanmar is located in the city of Pathein where Bishop John Hsane Hgyi invited the Passionists to his Diocese to preach retreats and to offer religious formation for the clergy of the Diocese.
This Mission has been entrusted to the PASPAC Configuration that sent two religious, Fr. Paul Hata (MAIAP) and Fr. Sony Marsilin Kannakaikal (THOM) to begin the community. They are awaiting a third Passionist from the REPAC Province of Indonesia). This mission remains a collaborative venture of the PASPAC Configuration.
As a temporary residence, the Bishop offered them the 3rd floor of the old seminary until they find a definitive building. In that small space they immediately prepared a small chapel that was blessed by the Bishop. Relics of our Passionist saints that were brought from Rome by Fr. Gwen Barde, General Consultor, where enshrined in the chapel. (Concelebrated Mass with Bishop John Hsane Hgyi on 21 July 2019).
Fr. Paul Hata spends a lot of time at home solving logistical and material needs, including his role as a cook. While Fr. Sony is very committed to the spiritual direction of religious and nuns. He also gives them English lessons. The two priests, despite their many commitments and difficulties, feel fulfilled in their desire to bear witness to our Passionist charism.
We received a sincere fraternal welcome from both the Bishop and the other diocesan priests. We hope to not disappoint their expectations. For the moment we hope that by being present in this area they will meet young people who may in the future be able to form a local Passionist community.